BMG Artists  



The most innovative, hilarious, clever comedy performance
show you'll never see. Unless you open your eyes.

Four Day WeekendA Four Day Weekend show is a full-body comedy entertainment experience like no other – because you’ll feel it from head to toe. An evening at a Four Day Weekend show is like drinking from a fire hose of hilarity. And audiences just can’t get enough of it.

Four Day Weekend is an interactive show that uses innovative video, music and the improvisational skills of an incredibly talented cast to create an environment that is entertaining, unpredictable and memorable. The show invites the audience to literally become part of the hilarity, by submitting ideas for ad-lib routines, joining the cast for roucous routines or becoming fodder for a comedy bit.

Four Day Weekend began as a local comedy show with limited run in a small theater. It has since become a nationally renowed 16-year-old Fort Worth institution and the longest running show in the southwest, with more than 450,000 people having seen the troupe perform in their beautiful theater in the heart of Sundance Square.

In addition to their four weekly shows, Four Day Weekend launched their own four-level improvisation training center, taken on corporate events for organizations such as Frito-Lay, Canon, Pfizer and Office Depot, and branched out into film and television projects.

Voted Best Comedy, Four Day Weekend is a Fort Worth institution. They’ve been called “Fort Worth’s Greatest Ambassadors”, have been awarded the Key to the City, and have performed for two U.S. presidents and delivered a keynote address to the United States Congress.

To celebrate their 16th anniversary, Four Day Weekend has released a new book, The Art of ImproviZEN. The book takes the reader inside the world of improvisational comedy and reveals the secret to improvisation and how it can change your life and make you more productive both at work and in your private life. Learn how two words - "yes, and" - changed their lives for the better and made them the success that they are today.

Four Day Weekend





BMG Artists

Booking agency for shows at PACs, tour, specialty, and corporate venues
Los Angeles CA | Dallas TX | Branson MO
(888) 341-8243

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